Higher Education Opportunity Act

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to students. For additional information, or to request paper copies of any materials, please call the appropriate office or visit the indicated websites.  

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy 
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or sale of alcohol or of controlled substances by university employees and students in the workplace, on university premises, at official University functions, or on university business is prohibited.

UCSF’s implementing regulations of UC Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students  are designed to protect the rights of members of the University, prevent interference with University functions or activities, and assure compliance with all pertinent laws and policies. 

Campus Safety and Security
As outlined in the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act (Clery Act), UCSF prepares an annual Campus Security & Personal Safety Report, which includes crime statistics, including hate crimes, for the previous three years. The report also details agreements between state and local law enforcement and UCSF’s emergency response and evacuation procedures.

Upon written request from an alleged victim of a violent crime or non-forcible sex offense, UCSF Police or other campus authorities will disclose the result of any disciplinary proceedings conducted by UCSF against a student who is the alleged perpetrator. Visit the UCSF Police Department website to read the current Annual Security Report.

Copyright Infringement and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policies and Sanctions 
The University of California respects copyrights and expects members of the university community to uphold copyright law. Obtaining or offering copyrighted movies, television shows, games, software, and music over the Internet may be punishable with penalties including prison time and monetary damages. Learn more about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Foreign Gifts
UCSF reports all foreign gifts of $250,000 or greater to the Department of Education in compliance with the law. Reports are sent in January and July of each year.

Loan and Lender Information
Loans are awarded to students based on regulations for the specific loan program(s).  Federal student loans, which have the most favorable benefits and interest rates, are awarded first.  Learn more about federal loans on the UCSF Student Financial Services website, including information about loan disclosures, terms and conditions.

In addition to federal loans, some students also apply for private loans. (See types of loans.) Private loans are available to graduate students, professional students, and international students. 

Lender contact information and the UC Code of Conduct are available for student review.  

UC provides University loans as well as loans through the federal Health and Human Services Department (commonly referred to as HRSA loans). University and HRSA loans are considered to be “private” loans and UC is bound by the Truth in Lending Regulations that govern private lending.

Borrowers are offered entrance counseling and an entrance interview through UCSF Student Financial Services, which also offers assistance in finding and tracking loans.

When it is time to leave school and begin loan repayment, UCSF offers assistance with debt management and repayment, exit counseling, the ACS (UC Loan Servicing) exit interview preparing for repayment. If a student is withdrawing from school, he/she should confirm how this will affect his/her loans.

Lobbying and Use of Federal Funds
UCSF does not use HEA funds to pay anyone for influencing or lobbying with respect to any federal contract awards, grants, loans or cooperative agreements. 

Missing Persons
UCSF will notify appropriate authorities and the student-designated contact person if a student has been determined to be missing from student housing for 24 hours.

Textbook Cost Containment
UCSF provides required and recommended textbooks in course syllabi to students by the start of classes each term. The campus does not have a physical bookstore facility therefore does not control or influence textbook costs.

Transfer of Credit
Transfer of credit policies are specific to each school and the Graduate Division.  Students should inquire directly with their UCSF school or graduate program for information. 

Vaccinations and Immunizations
New students whose programs involve patient contact or exposure to human blood, tissue or cell lines are required to submit certain immunization records and to acquire any missing vaccinations before enrollment at UCSF.

Veterans and Members of the Armed Forces 
To preserve their rights, veterans called to active duty must write on their withdrawal petition that military service is the reason for the leave of absence. Some veterans may be eligible for special benefits upon re-admission.